Like the premise of the movie Sliding Doors, one single event drastically changed my future: a chance encounter with a blue-eyed redhead at a corporate photoshoot. Had the same person been bald, this might have become The Bald Project.
That same week I’d read a National Geographic article about the extinction of redheads in 100 years. I personally only knew one redhead at the time. I was intrigued.  Processing that redhead executive’s headshots from the corporate shoot, I was struck by his presence. I got to thinking, who is this person?  What's his personality and what makes him special aside from his red hair?  And the idea for this collaborative project that tells redheads’ unique stories was born. 
Participants find the project via word-of-mouth and social media and complete an application process that’s designed to provide a springboard for creative and fun collaboration.  For more information including how to participate  please visit